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High School Ministry: Second Chapter 고등부

High School Ministry: Second Chapter 고등부
Youth Kosta 2024! March 12-14

Click here for one of the latest worship services!

Second Chapter worships every Sunday at 11:40am, in English, with the middle school students in the Nazareth Sanctuary.

서부장로교회 고등부(Second Chapter)는 9학년-12학년학생들이 모여 선생님들과 함께 공동체를 이루어갑니다.

사도행정 2:42 개역개정
그들이 사도의 가르침을 받아 서로 교제하고 떡을 떼며 오로지 기도하기를 힘쓰니라

초대교회를 본받아 이세대를 본받는게 아니라 하나님의 백성으로 구별된삶을 살아 교회다운 교회로 성장하며 살아가려는 고등부 학생들이 되기를 기도하며 예배합니다.

중등부와 함께 매주 11:40, 나사렛 성전에서 영어로 예배드립니다.

매주 금요일 성경읽기 모임이 온라인으로 있습니다.

다른 질문이 있으면 고은애 목사를 문의해주세요.


Westside Presbyterian Church’s high school ministry (grade 9-12) is called Second Chapter. Together with the teachers and staff, we worship and grow as a church community.

Acts 2:42 NIV
“They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer.”

Just like the early church, we pray that the Second Chapter students choose holiness and practice being the church God calls us to be.

Every Friday, we have an online meeting to read the bible together.

If you have any questions, please contact Pastor Grace!

Our worship services are streamed online every week!

Westside Presbyterian Church